Many landlords shudder when their property manager passes on a request from a tenant to have a pet. The thought of a dog or cat running amok and damaging the property often doesn’t sit well. However, pets can be a big benefit to landlords.
Damage to their investment is one of the biggest concerns for property owners. Having a pet doesn’t do much to ally that fear. Dogs and cats damaging walls, tearing apart curtains, or staining the carpet quickly come to mind.
But there are three reasons that landlords should consider before making a decision on allowing animals in a property.
Allowing pets can broaden the application base. Landlords want as many applications for their property as possible. The more applications received obviously means more choice and more likelihood of finding a good tenant. Cutting out a section of applicants only because they have a pet can be detrimental to finding a great tenant. Landlords run the risk of denying a potentially finding a quality applicant if they have a blanket ‘no pet’ policy.
This doesn’t necessarily have to apply to applicants, either. If a current tenant requests permission to have a pet but is denied, they may be inclined to move to another property.
Pets encourage longer term tenants. Pet owners are more likely to stay in a suitable property for a longer period of time, which means a reduction in vacancy for landlords. Animals are another consideration for pet owners – likely their biggest consideration – whenever they look for a property. Is the property suitable? Are there any parks nearby? Is there an outdoor component? And of course, will the landlord permit pets?
All of those factors can make it a bit harder for pet owners to find a suitable property. As a result, they are less likely to move and more likely to settle in the one place – a much better outcome for landlords.

Allowing pets can have far more benefits for landlords than negatives.
Pets don’t cause as much damage as landlords may think. Damage to their property is a key reason that landlords are likely to deny a request for pets, but they may not have much to worry about.
“In my experience tenants are more likely to cause far more damage over time than a cat or a dog”, says NPB Senior Property Manager, Ivonne Di Perna.
“I always tell landlords that there’s a lot of benefits to allowing pets. If they’re worried about the damage, they really shouldn’t be. General life will cause more wear and tear than Fido or Felix”.
Of course saying yes to a pet will depend on the type of animal and the type of property.
“A cat in a two bedroom apartment is fine” says Ivonne. “But two Huskies in an apartment is not really a good idea. Not necessarily for the peace of mind of the landlord, but for the wellbeing of the animal.”
“But if the animal suits the property I wouldn’t have any problems recommending the landlord say yes.”