Negative Gearing, Will it Stay or Will it Go?

If anyone started singing The Clash song after reading this title, please ...

Cash Flow vs Capital Growth – is there a better strategy?

We are all humans after all and generally humans want everything so I am ...

Levelling the Playing Field by using a Buyers Advocate/Buyers Agent

Using a buyers advocate or agent, may once have been thought of as a ...

Using your super to buy an owner occupied home, a good idea?

Australia's Treasury Joe Hockey certainly knows how to create waves, ...

Brisbane Market Wrap

The property market in Brisbane continues to gain momentum again after a ...

Buying Property in your SMSF – What is all the Noise about?

SMSF's (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) have become something of a hot ...
Property Prices and Foreign Investment

Property Prices and Foreign Investment

With the continued strong growth in residential property in Australia and ...

How do Interest Rates affect the housing market?

With Australian Interest Rates at historic lows, what are today's rates or ...

Auction Clearance Rates, Fact or Fiction?

What do auction clearance rates really mean and what are they used ...